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English Language Arts
Journeys Common Core reading program adopted by the district is a comprehensive Reading/Language Arts program. Journeys Common Core fully supports the Common Core State Standards for reading literature and informational texts. The program includes:
A balance of informational and literary texts.
High-quality, complex texts for close reading and analysis.
Text-dependent questions and tasks.
Using text evidence in writing and to answer questions.
Writing to sources.
Reading multiple texts about the same domain to facilitate knowledge-building.
General academic and domain specific vocabulary
Short texts and extended readings.
Ms. Lora's Calendar
BOE Meeting
Nyack Public Schools -
Superintendents Conference Day for All Staff
Nyack Public Schools -
Nyack Public Schools -
BOE Meeting
Nyack Public Schools -
Wear Red & Black Day of Remembrance
Nyack Public Schools
Our Specials Schedule
A Day - Art
B & D - PE
C - Music
Library - Thursday
Our district has adopted the Math program entitled Investigations . It is a K-5 Mathematics curriculum designed to engage students in making sense of mathematical ideas. It is aligned to the Common Core Standards. Each curriculum unit focuses on an area of content in depth, providing time for students to develop and practice ideas across a variety of activities and contexts that build on each other.
Social Studies
This year in Social Studies we focus on the State of New York. We will study Native Americans, the Colonial period and the Revolutionary War as it relates to New York State. We will also study the geography and government of New York.
This year we will introduce topics on Electricity, Force, Energy, Motion, Animals and Plants, Natural Disasters and Weather.