Tennis After School - Free Lessons
1, 3, 8, 10, 22 y 24 de Abril
1, 3, 8, 10, 22 y 24 de Abril
Help support the PTA with their Five Guys fundraiser!
VCE is happy to announce the celebration of DIVERSITY through dance, music,
games and food and we would love for you to join in on the fun!
When: Thursday, April 3, 2025
Where: Valley Cottage Elementary
Time: 6-7:30 pm
Set up time begins at 5:00 pm
You can reserve a table by scanning the QR code in the attachment or clicking the link below:
Cuándo: Jueves 3 de Abril de 2025
Dónde: Valley Cottage Elementary
Hora: de 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m.
El tiempo de preparación comienza a las 5:00 p.m.
VCE se complace en anunciar la celebración de la DIVERSIDAD a
través de la danza, la música, los juegos y la comida. ¡Nos encantaría
que te unas a la diversión!
Puedes reservar una mesa escaneando el código QR o haciendo clic en el enlace que aparece a
continuación. Sé creativo: comparte fotos, comparte un plato, recuerdos personales, imágenes y
algunos datos curiosos o incluso un talento especial de tu país. Una vez que todas las mesas estén
reservadas y finalice el período de inscripción, no podremos dar cabida a ningún otro participante.
¡Así que inscríbete pronto, ya que el espacio para las mesas es limitado! También te invitamos a
colaborar con otras familias.
Tenga en cuenta:
Si prepara un plato o una bebida, debe proporcionar y mostrar una lista completa de ingredientes la
noche del evento.
Por favor enviar antes del 20 de Marzo.
Each year, the elementary guidance department focuses on college and career exploration. What better way to kick off the month than by starting right here in our Valley Cottage community.
We are excited to host two in-person Career Days:
We invite community members to share their career journeys and insights with our students. If you’re interested in participating, please reach out to Mr. Hogg You may sign up for one or both days!
The event will be structured like a college fair, where student groups rotate from table to table. Each presenter will have about 10 minutes with each group.
We hope you will consider joining us for this enriching experience!
For any questions, please contact Mr. Hogg at 845-353-7289 or
See attached information regarding 5th grade baby pictures needed.
Marzo de 2025
Saludos, familias de Valley Cottage,
A continuación, se indican algunas fechas próximas que debe tener en cuenta:
• 28 de Febrero al 29 de Marzo: Ramadán
• 1 al 30 de Marzo: Mes de la Historia de la Mujer
3 de Marzo - 23 de marzo: Leer para de desafio de Boulders (información próximamente)
• 5 de Marzo: “Miercoles Loco” patrocinado por la PTA
• 9 de Marzo: : adelanta los relojes una hora
• 13 de Marzo: finaliza el segundo trimestre
• 13 de Marzo: visita de Idiomas del Mundo a las clases de quinto grado
• 14 de Marzo: día de la Conferencia del Superintendente: no hay clases para estudiantes
• 17 de Marzo: día de San Patricio
• 18 de Marzo: Día de las Carreras: grados K-2, en la cafetería, de 9:15 a 10:50 a. m.
• 21 de Marzo: los alumnos de 5.º grado asistirán a una vista previa de la obra de teatro de la
escuela secundaria en Boces a las 9:15 a. m.
• 21 de Marzo: salida Temprana a las 11:45 para las conferencias de padres y maestros, de 1:00 a
3:00 p. m.
• 25 de Marzo: Día de las Carreras: grados 3.º a 5.º, en la cafetería, de 9:15 a 10:50 a. m.
• 27 de Marzo: conferencias de padres y maestros por la tarde, de 5:30 a 7:00 p.m.
• 28 de Marzo: salida a las 11:45 para reuniones de padres y maestros, de 1:00 – 3:00 p.m..
• 28 de Marzo: “Maratón de Baile” patrocinado por la PTA, que se lleva a cabo en la cafetería, de
7:00-8:30 p.m.
No dude en comunicarse con el Sr. Hogg si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con el Día de la
Carrera. Puede comunicarse con él al 845-353-7289 o por correo electrónico a Complete este formulario del Día de la Carrera para participar.
Espero que esta información le resulte útil para planificar el mes para su hijo y su familia.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros.
Lucrisha Addison-Harris
Attached are the 2025-2026 school supply lists.
Valley Cottage Elementary PTA and 5150 Martial Arts would love for you to try out their self-defense martial arts classes.
See information attached.
See the attached information on the Cultural Arts fundraiser.
Greeting Valley Cottage Families,
As we close out February and begin a new month of March, here are a few upcoming dates that you should be aware of for your planning purposes.
As you can see we will host “Career Day” this month. Please feel free to contact Mr. Hogg with any questions about this special day. He can be reached by email or you can call the main office at 845-353-7280. If you would like to participate please complete this Career Day Form.
I hope this information is helpful as you plan out your month for your child and family.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
Lucrisha Addison-Harris
AfterschoolDayCare-RecreationalProg WEBSITE info.pdf
Afterschool Day Care Programs available for V.C.E.
JCC – BTB (Beyond the Bell) (held in V.C.E. cafeteria)
Candace Wood (Site Leader)
Reed Silverman (Program Coordinator, contact person)
JCC Rockland
450 West Nyack Rd
West Nyack, NY 10994
(845) 362-4400 ext. 103 (click on Youth, then Afterschool Programs)
Eliza Milman, CEO
Tel: (845) 362-4400 X136
Fax: (845) 362-5107
Hours: 3:15 to 6:00pm
If after school activities are cancelled, JCC is cancelled
NO JCC/BTB here at building on half days when school has half days
NO JCC/BTB if school closes early due to weather or emergency
58 Depew Ave, Nyack, NY 10960
Tel: 358-2600 (Kim Cross) / Fax: (845) 358-5364
58 Waldron Ave, C. Nyack, NY 10960
Tel: (845) 358-2500 (Kathy Klein) / Fax: (845) 358-2500
Main Office (845)353-7280
Main Office fax 353-7287
Attendance 353-7281 (for all absences/dismissal changes)
Nurse 353-7290
Voice Mail 353-7165 (follow prompt)
Cafeteria 353-7286 (8am-2pm)
Family Resource Ctr 353-7291
Late Pass must be obtained after 8:50am
26 Lake Rd, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
SCHOOL INFO: Classes begin promptly at 8:50am and end at 3:10pm. Dismissal is 3:15pm. Students who arrive after 8:50am must stop at the office for a late pass. Please make every effort to make sure your child arrives on time in the building by 8:45am.
ATTENDANCE/CHANGE OF DISMISSAL/EARLY DISMISSAL: Please call the attendance secretary at 845-353-7281 for all absences, change of dismissal, and early dismissal notices. Please leave your child’s full name, class and reason for the absence. Should you need to speak to the the nurse regarding your child's illness, please call Nurse Patti Kozar at 845-353-7290.
A written note must be received when your child will be picked up by someone other than those listed on the emergency contact list or if they will be dismissed in a different manner (ie: car pick up, walker, etc.). Please send a note via your child or email the main office secretaries by 2PM at or notifying us of the change in dismissal and authorized pick up person. When there is a change in dismissal, we ask that you notify the office as there may be occasions where your child's teacher may not be available to forward the dismissal change to the office in a timely manner. Should you encounter a dismissal change PRIOR to the end of the day without written notice, notify the office prior to 2:00PM at 845-353-7281 or 845-353-7280 so all parties involved are aware.
BREAKFAST/LUNCH: Breakfast is available for students each morning starting at 8am. Students wanting breakfast may enter through the designated parking lot doors and breakfast will be provided. Lunch is available each day for students to purchase. Meal accounts can be prepaid weekly or monthly for your convenience through (online payment plan).
DISMISSAL: Dismissal will begin promptly at the end of each school day. Please refer to the information listed above for change of dismissal/early dismissal.
WALKERS: These students will be called to be dismissed. If you are accompanying your child home, please wait by the front playground.
BUS RIDERS: Bus numbers are announced at dismissal. Students are escorted to the bus circle and brought to their bus. An adult must be at the bus stop to meet K-1 students; if an adult is not there, the student will be sent back to school PRIOR to 4:00 PM.
CAR RIDERS: Students whose parents will be picking them up by car will meet in the Gym. Drivers should remain in their vehicles while children are escorted to them. We ask that parents DO NOT exit their vehicle or DO NOT leave the car pick up line. This will enable us to continuously move the car line and dismissal forward.
Valley Cottage Elementary PTA members 2022-23
Co-President: Holly Anderson (845) 661-0561
Co-President: Michael Rothenbucher (917) 842-9846
Vice President: Michelle Recla (347) 210-5606
Treasurer: Brendan Nolan (845) 629-1058
Corresponding Secretary: Amanda Roman (845) 494-4064
Recording Secretary: Jenn Manca (212) 729-6844
Valley Cottage Elem. PTA Facebook Page:
Subscribe to VCE PTA emails here:
Become a PTA member by signing up here:
Questions? Contact us at:
September PTA newsletter docx.pdf